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Personally, I love guitars. I might not be an amazing player, but it is definitely one of my favorite pastimes to pick up an old acoustic guitar and play some simple stuff. I enjoy electrics as well, but given that my hands aren't as fast as those of some electric guitarists, acoustic guitar seems to be where I am at my best.

Any other los amantes de la guitarra here?

I tried learning, but I wasn't very good. Practice makes perfect though, if my guitar didn't have a broken string LOL.
I break strings all the time. It actually got to the point where I would take old strings that weren't even the correct gauges and put them on to replace broken strings because I got so tired of spending so much money on new strings. It took me years before I could even play well enough to make it worthwhile.

It is one of the harder instruments to learn though. I play other instruments as well, and it is definitely a lot of work to learn.

I have a guitar myself. I like it Big Grin
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I really want to learn how to play "Everlong" by the Foo Fighters on guitar.

It's one of my favorite songs and a common song to learn on guitar, I guess.

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