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What does it take to maintain a successful blog?

Certainly, blog platforms have become a lot more advanced in recent years, and wordpress remains to pretty much be the dominant platform for people who don't really know what to use off the top of their heads. Undoubtedly, it's pretty easy to create a blog, but there is, as always, increasing competition, and content needs to be on point in order to gain a following. In addition, search engine optimization has gotten much harder recently as google continues to refine their system. I think it's safe to say that it has increasing challenges.

At the same time, with blogs being easier to create and maintain, the modern age of the internet has brought some advantages to bloggers as well. The internet provides more outlets than ever before to get the content out, despite the competition, and that's a trend I think we can expect to continue. In your opinion, are blogs easier or harder to maintain now than they were five years ago? What does it take to maintain one today?

Blogs are a lot easier to maintain these days Smile all it takes is that you know your English (or any other language you speak) pretty well and know how to customize a theme so that it fits your style.
I'd say getting the traffic is the tricky part. Nobody wants to go and visit yet another blog. Some people really do have some good stuff to say though. Gaining social media support seems to be pretty valuable for bloggers these days.

You have to have something that stands out to the peoples eye. Something that makes people want to come back and visit, share with their friends, and comment and discuss right there on the blog. Nobody wants to read the same story copied over and over again, they want different view points, and a new analysis on the subject matter. It might even be an art or music blog, and they might love your work.

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